Child Behavior
How would you react when someone spilt ketchup on your new dress? How would you behave when your car has dashed into another vehicle when your son was driving it? What is your reaction to your kids painting on your walls ? When your son/daughter fails a subject ? As a parent Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness says “our actions today decide their behaviors tomorrow. It's very well known that children are a map work of their parents, they reflect what their parents are and their lifestyle is.” We are now going to understand some specific behaviors which are given by Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness. Lets understand their adolescence behaviors which are a result of their childhood conditioning. – Loud Adolescence – When they are loud and like to create a scene about every small thing, they are loud Adolescence. They are a result of parents behaving in the same manner. Since they cannot prove themselves, they gain attention by blowing things out of proportion...