
Showing posts from July, 2021

Child Behavior

  How would you react when someone spilt ketchup on your new dress? How would you behave when your car has dashed into another vehicle when your son was driving it? What is your reaction to your kids painting on your walls ? When your son/daughter fails a subject ?   As a parent Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness says “our actions today decide their behaviors tomorrow. It's very well known that children are a map work of their parents, they reflect what their parents are and their lifestyle is.”    We are now going to understand some specific behaviors which are given by Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness.   Lets understand their adolescence behaviors which are a result of their childhood conditioning.   – Loud Adolescence – When they are loud and like to create a scene about every small thing, they are loud Adolescence. They are a result of parents behaving in the same manner. Since they cannot prove themselves, they gain attention by blowing things out of proportion...

Don’t skip the most important Meal

  Ever noticed why is it called breakfast? It is called so because you are breaking the fast you have had overnight. Not known to many but skipping breakfast is a very bad habit. It is very well said that you eat your breakfast like a king, your lunch like a miser and your dinner like a beggar.    Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness always says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day  and for good reason. It is not just a phrase, it's got its biological reasons attached to it. Breakfast builds energy in the body not only for the immediate hour but for the day. On the basis of the breakfast the body determines what is expected of it during the day. Many studies have shown the health benefits of eating breakfast. It improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term, and can help with better weight management, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the long term. Despite the benefits of breakfast for your health and wellbeing, ...

Ever tried Acupressure??

  Today’s busy schedules and time constraints making our lives hectic and tiring give no place for relaxation and recreation of the body energy. To get the oomph factor in our daily agenda we have to revitalize ourselves and the pure and natural solution to this is acupressure. It is a form of transfer of energy and force from the external forces to the internal self.   There are various acupressure points on the head, the back, the neck, the palms, the arms, the feet, the legs and various other spots where acupressure is conducted by different levels of pressure. Starting with light pressure and then going deeper till the pulse rate is felt and once it is it proves that there is perfect circulation.   According to Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness in acupressure, there is a blood flow and a flow of energy which could be controlled through the pressure points, without injuring any other parts. Acupressure is an art of pressuring certain body parts with a particular amount of p...

Is Beer Belly a good option ?

  Sometimes you may just realize that you don’t eat too much but still you hold a huge belly. Cramped up in jeans and putting on loose t-shirts is what you are then left with. But where does all that fat come from ?    Now think back and see how often you consume alcohol and if most of it is Beer , then that’s a Beer Belly. Beer is one of the highest ranked in calories and most of it is visible around the waist line. And although not many may advise you, its benefits are innumerable to keep it away from your life.   “Have beer”, it is a well proven fact that beer is beneficial just like wine. Beer is consumed widely all round the globe by people of different origins. But consume it in limits. A glass a day would do no harm in fact it would do you some good. As a tonic for relaxation and celebration beer provides you with soundless sleep.    What Causes a Beer Belly?   It’s not necessarily beer but too many calories that can turn your trim waistline int...

Soups- lure your taste buds

Many love it, many don’t, many have it as a regular course of their meal, many on occasions and many when they fall ill. If you travel round the world you’ll figure out that different countries have different cuisines and hence different soups to suit their tastes.    “Soups are more like an appetizer, they create hunger well for you . Traditional soups of all the countries are now served everywhere, even in India there are French, Italian, Irish, British, Mexican, Chinese, Spanish and various other soups available. The traditional Indian soups are the tomato soup, rasam, potato onion soup, carrot soup and the spinach soup, cucumber soup and mixed vegetable soup.” says Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness .   Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness health conscious person and Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness says “When you are having a bowl full of soup remember you are gulping down a bowl full of healthy ingredients. Each soup has its own ingredients, tastes and benefits. The tomato soup being...

Juices – Flush your Toxins

  You are aware that 70% of the human body content is made up of water and this water is not only from the intake of water but also from our complete diet consisting of vegetables, fruits and their juices. One glass of juice can activate and refresh your body and mind instantly.    We’ll see in today’s topic how juices flush our body toxins. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness shared some pros and cons also, about juice cleanse. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness said “ A juice cleanse is a type of diet that involves consuming only juices from vegetables and fruits in an attempt to lose weight and detoxify the body. As these cleanses are restrictive in terms of food groups and calories, many people are skeptical about their possible benefits.”   The juices of vegetables are healthier than those of fruits but the taste of fruit juices overrides that of vegetables and hence to balance both a mix of fruit and vegetable juices are prepared. These juices are readily available in the ...

Your Thoughts Make You What You Are…

  Think of yourself as a king and you would feel like one. Now think of yourself as a poor person and your present state would eat you. We are what we want to be. We have the power within us. We all have energy flowing around us, It’s within us and on the outside.    Most of the time we make unintentional choices. We choose to drive positive and negative energy to come close to us or send it back. These energies are created and driven by our thoughts.   Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness says “ there’s a ‘secret’ that all great historical and present thinkers, philosophers, and high achievers have agreed to be a universal truth.” This secret revolves around this simple idea: You are what you think. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness further says “All great minds discovered the secret to living a happy, purposeful and productive life.” Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness is a very generous and spiritual person who tells people the aspects related to life and that makes Vijay Dalwani San...

Is your child having the right food ?

 Children have got fussy about food. Previously food was consumed to get rid of hunger but today the motives have definitely changed. We discussed this with Vijay Dalwani sanda Wellness. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness is a health conscious person. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness says that Kids need to have some say in the matter. Schedule regular meals and snack times. From the selections you offer, let them choose what to eat and how much of it they want. This may seem like a little too much freedom. These days we gulp down food that is yum and when we cannot stop our own desires it’s difficult to stop our own children. Pastas, Pizzas, lasagnas and noodles top the list of junk food most consumed worldwide. Pampering your taste buds is a common stride nowadays and bribing is yet another factor. With time our choices have increased. Ask for candy bars and you would land up with hundreds of them, difficult to choose. So we have hundreds of reasons why one would move to junk rather than h...