Is your child having the right food ?

 Children have got fussy about food. Previously food was consumed to get rid of hunger but today the motives have definitely changed. We discussed this with Vijay Dalwani sanda Wellness. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness is a health conscious person. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness says that Kids need to have some say in the matter. Schedule regular meals and snack times. From the selections you offer, let them choose what to eat and how much of it they want. This may seem like a little too much freedom.

These days we gulp down food that is yum and when we cannot stop our own desires it’s difficult to stop our own children. Pastas, Pizzas, lasagnas and noodles top the list of junk food most consumed worldwide. Pampering your taste buds is a common stride nowadays and bribing is yet another factor. With time our choices have increased. Ask for candy bars and you would land up with hundreds of them, difficult to choose.

So we have hundreds of reasons why one would move to junk rather than healthy stuff but are we meeting the nutritional needs?

The strength of every building to take the worst of quakes lies in its foundation and the same goes with our body. If the foundation is strong from childhood one has a good frame and remains fit in his later stages of life. Meeting daily nutritional needs is of vital importance in the crucial years of life. A child during his early ages has a good absorption level and a good healing capacity. When food is provided, the body absorbs all the nutrients and vitamins from it. But what if the food has not got any minerals and vitamins and instead it has a lot of fats and carbohydrates?

Child obesity is on a rise more in the western countries but it’s leaving its trends in the eastern sphere. Today parents do not have enough time to cook and some do not have enough time to spare with their family, in those cases food from out is the only option. In some cases some families find it expensive to afford healthy food so opting for unhealthy food is a good way out. Bribing is also a commonly practiced habit by many parents, rewards lie as aerated drinks, junk intake or a pizza party.

“Win the race and you get to go with your friends for a burger treat”

“Come first in class and get your own candy machine”

“Let’s get an ice-cream maker, once to clear the entrance exam”

Many of these tempt you as a child. Temptations are good but realizing the importance of it’s bad effects is also vital. Veggies and health drinks are a good substitute and if not, milk shakes could replace colas and wheat pastas could replace pizzas, use the healthier form and this would also make a huge difference. The future of your child lies in your hands and it’s all your responsibility how you shape for the future.

Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness explained the effects of Junk Food on Health of Children.

For children who have less vision of the heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure or diabetes that might befall them decades later, the tentacles of a junk food environment are virtually inescapable.

Studies reveal that as early as the age of 30, arteries could begin clogging and lay the groundwork for future heart attacks. What children eat from puberty affects their risks of prostate and breast cancer. Osteoporosis and hypertension are other diseases that appear to have their earliest roots in childhood when lifelong eating habits are being formed. Children are especially vulnerable.

Poor diets can slow growth, decay new teeth, promote obesity and sow the seeds of infirmity and debilitating disease that ultimately lead to incurable disease and death or worse make life insufferable.

Most of the time these junk foods contain colors that are laced with colors, those are often inedible, carcinogenic and harmful to the body. These foods and their colors can affect digestive systems, the effects of it emerging after many years.

Studies have found that food coloring can cause hyperactivity and lapses of concentration in children. Children suffering from Learning Disabilities are often advised against eating food with artificial coloring. Chocolates, colas, flavored drinks and snack tit bits are full of artificial coloring.

Junk foods are often eaten in place of regular food, an essential Indian diet that consists of wholesome chapatis and vegetables or snacks like upmas and idlis. Not surprisingly eating junk food leads to a sense of starvation both physically and mentally, as the feeling of satiation and contentment that comes after a wholesome meal is absent.

There is simply no substitute for the feeling that descends, when you wake up and find that you are ready to take on the world and this primarily stems from GOOD HEALTH! There is no better time than now to build a supportive environment for nurturing our children and endowing them with a legacy of good health.


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