Is science a boon or curse to Health ?

 Since childhood we have been writing essays on Science and Technology as a Boon or a Curse but today we would be concentrating on Science and Technology and its relationship with health. On one hand we have the latest technology to cure diseases, diagnose problems and provide high end solutions and on the other hand we have the invention of cell phones, computers and laptops and television and not to forget home theatres. Wow!!! Then what’s a boon and what’s a curse because all of it is a gift to mankind. Here the understanding is perfect that since science has been giving us it's a boon and since we have been over utilising it that’s a curse.


So a simple way of comprehending is the fact that , in terms of its effect on health, science is neither a boon nor a curse. Its plainly a path to a living and although its motive is to ensure a better living it may have adverse effects on health and lifestyle. After all  man invents it and he’s the one responsible for the negative part of it. Lets understand it from a medical point of view. The discovery of new equipment and by far the latest technology has improved the span of life, in fact all surgeries and transplants are possible because of advancement. 


It has created an overall awareness and improved the overall style of living but on the other hand if an individual is addicted to medicines is not a good idea. So the next time you have a headache, do not directly jump onto a pill, without giving it a nap or a short period of rest.

Let’s not forget the Cell phones that ring even in the middle of the night. 


Well some calls are important but night chats are definitely going to seize your sleep and the effect of mobile phone radiation could go beyond imagination. How could we not go on television? It keeps you aware of what is happening around the world but watching it for long hours could strain your brain and spoil your eye-sight. Laptops and computers are no less, they are the best to communicate but the root cause of migraines.


“Technology is like a double-edged sword and we must utilize it properly. We must restrict gaming and browsing to certain hours of the day to avoid addiction. We must keep a balanced lifestyle with equal hours for studying, playing and browsing.” says Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness. 


Well every coin has two sides and similarly Science and Technology have their two colours, one which throws light and the other spreads darkness but again it's all completely in our hands when to Switch on the light and when to switch it off and stay in peace.


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