Juices – Flush your Toxins

 You are aware that 70% of the human body content is made up of water and this water is not only from the intake of water but also from our complete diet consisting of vegetables, fruits and their juices. One glass of juice can activate and refresh your body and mind instantly. 


We’ll see in today’s topic how juices flush our body toxins. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness shared some pros and cons also, about juice cleanse. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness said “A juice cleanse is a type of diet that involves consuming only juices from vegetables and fruits in an attempt to lose weight and detoxify the body. As these cleanses are restrictive in terms of food groups and calories, many people are skeptical about their possible benefits.”


The juices of vegetables are healthier than those of fruits but the taste of fruit juices overrides that of vegetables and hence to balance both a mix of fruit and vegetable juices are prepared. These juices are readily available in the market but are not fresh due to canned preservatives, hence juices should be had fresh.


Make juices a regular feature of your diet and see the benefits. Juices help flush away the toxins in your body just like water. Orange juice and lemonade are refreshing drinks especially to keep away the heat of the summers and have a high content of vitamin C and boosts the immune system to keep away cold and flu. 


They also keep the cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels under control and prevent cancer. Oranges having a high content of potassium prevents various diseases and keeps the heart healthy. Tomato juice commonly found throughout the world has a prime content of lycopene which prevents cancer related diseases. Just like orange juice it has a high content of vitamin C and potassium and prevents heart related diseases. 


Cucumber juice rich in potassium, silica, manganese, chlorophyll, vitamin A and vitamin C gives a huge range of nutrients to the body. Carrot juice well known for its benefits to the eyes is considered to be a tonic providing innumerable benefits being rich in nutrients. Even external application of carrot juice clears off skin blemishes. 


Bitter Gourd juice being very bitter is often mixed with a mixture of other juices, acting as an insulin it is often hard to control diabetes and prevent blood disorders. Neem juice is also extremely bitter but a very good cure to skin diseases as it had for blood purification. An apple a day keeps the doctor away and a glass of apple juice comprises elements of three apples together so imagine the benefits it can provide. 


Have a glass of apple juice and fulfil your the complete requirement of vitamin A of your body.

Well, juices of many more fruits and vegetables are nutritional but the ones above give you a balance of health and deliciousness. Choose the fruit of your choice and squeeze it to enjoy it.

Now we’ll see the potential benefits of Juices which Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness shared with us:

Juice cleanses usually involve consuming only juice for a certain period, which typically ranges from 3 to 10 days.

Vijay Ddalwani Sanda Wellness says that it offers people many benefits, which may include those below:

  • Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals. Drinking juices could introduce extra nutrients into the body to boost overall health.

  • Juices are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that may boost the immune system and help a person feel more energetic.

  • The creators of many juicing plans market the ability of their juices to flush toxins from the body, although they rarely specify which toxins the juices remove.

  • Juices could help improve digestion by introducing healthy enzymes that make the gut work more efficiently.

Potential risk of Juices:

Doctors have identified several risks of juice cleanses, including those below:

  • Drinking large quantities of juice may be harmful to those with kidney disorders. Certain types of juice contain oxalate, an acid that can contribute to kidney stones and other kidney problems.

  • Cleansing diets are usually low in calories. A reduced calorie intake may result in temporary weight loss, but this change is rarely long-lasting.

  • If a person consumes juices that are unpasteurized or have not had another treatment to remove bacteria, they are at greater risk of illness. This is especially true for very young and older people as well as those with weakened immune systems.

  • If a juice cleanse includes laxatives or other methods of bowel stimulation, a person could lose too many nutrients in their stool. This can lead to dehydration and imbalanced electrolytes.

  • Consuming an insufficient number of calories can cause a person to experience symptoms relating to low blood sugar because the body does not have enough energy. Examples of these symptoms include fainting, weakness, dehydration, headaches, and hunger.

A person should also be wary of pre-packaged juice cleanses that promise significant results, such as reversing diseases or providing dramatic health benefits. There is usually a lack of research to support these claims.

How to do a juice cleanse

Juice cleanse supporters may recommend different types of juice cleanse, such as:

  • drinking only juices and liquids for several days

  • consuming juices in combination with dietary supplements

  • combining juices with procedures that “cleanse” the colon, such as enemas or colonic irrigation

  • drinking juices alongside specific diets as a means of promoting weight loss

Examples of some of the juice blends that the Scientific Reports study used include:

  • apple, cucumber, celery, romaine lettuce, lemon, spinach, kale, and parsley

  • apple, lemon, ginger, and beet

  • apple, pineapple, lemon, and mint

  • filtered water, cayenne, lemon, almonds, dates, sea salt, and vanilla bean

  • Drinking six of these juice combinations daily provided an intake of 1,310 calories per day.


Juice cleanses are a controversial topic within the medical community because they do not usually offer long-term solutions for weight loss or wellness. Most experts will recommend a balanced, healthful diet instead.

The evidence to support the possible benefits of juicing tends to be anecdotal. There appears to be more evidence to suggest that a juice cleanse can have a negative impact on the body, for example, by reducing kidney function.

Before starting a juice cleanse, people should speak to their doctor to ensure that they do not need to amend their juicing plan in any way to protect their overall health.


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