Child Behavior

 How would you react when someone spilt ketchup on your new dress?

How would you behave when your car has dashed into another vehicle when your son was driving it?

What is your reaction to your kids painting on your walls ?

When your son/daughter fails a subject ?


As a parent Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness says “our actions today decide their behaviors tomorrow. It's very well known that children are a map work of their parents, they reflect what their parents are and their lifestyle is.” 


We are now going to understand some specific behaviors which are given by Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness.


Lets understand their adolescence behaviors which are a result of their childhood conditioning.


– Loud Adolescence – When they are loud and like to create a scene about every small thing, they are loud Adolescence. They are a result of parents behaving in the same manner. Since they cannot prove themselves, they gain attention by blowing things out of proportion.


Attention Seeking Adolescence- These are attention seeking ones who have either been deprived of love or they have had some sour childhood experiences. They suddenly fall ill or they involve themselves in situations where they are the center of attraction.


– Narcissist Adolescence – When the love for your own self is more than anyone in the world and self esteem has turned into self pride, it’s a state of Narcissist. These kinds of people are attracted to their own selves and they derive pleasure in self praise. Most commonly they are attractive in their physical appearance.


– Depressed Adolescence- When there is no pleasure derived from the environment and when adolescents prefer corners of the house, they come into the category of depressed adolescence. They do not like to talk to anyone much and they prefer to stay quiet.


– Rebellious Adolescence- When parents say RIGHT they go LEFT. They do not care about anyone, they are more like the stone hearted creatures , absolutely emotionless. Most of the time they don’t even know what they want but they always want to do what others stop them from doing. This is most of the times when parents have been quarreling amongst each other and have not been listening to each other.


– Lip sealed Adolescence/ Indecisive – They do not have an opinion of their own, most of the time they are dependent on others like siblings, parents and teachers to make their decisions. Most of the time even for small things they get extremely confused. This is most of the time when parents pressurize their kids towards something, so he loses his self capability to choose and decide.


– Hyperactive Adolescence- Some of them are hyperactive, they stand first when a responsibility is given. They are always ready to take charge, most of the time they are good leaders and they could actively motivate a team.


– Happy-go- lucky/ content Adolescence – They are the happy ones. They always have a smile, they are content with themselves and people around them. They balance emotions and practicality. They are a fruit of happy parents and happy relationships.



A good way is to identify where you want your child to stand and they behave with him accordingly. Do not forget when you plant seeds of a particular type, you get a huge tree of the same type in years to go.


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