A day by day fight against Lifestyle disorders

 In the last article we saw that we can prevent lifestyle disorders by taking some precaution right now. In the last article Vijay Dalwani shared how we can do this. 

We live in the age of Information, yet there are many people who do not know what Lifestyle disorders are.  Which are the different lifestyle disorders or how they are caused?  The war against lifestyle disorders is that of a lifetime.  Lack of awareness is responsible for our lack of nutrition, poor lifestyle and diet.  As a result, the battle against lifestyle disorders is lost daily.


Vijay Dalwani shared some valuable steps towards combating lifestyle disorders:-

  1. Knowledge about these disorders and their probable causes

  2. Accepting the fact that each one of us is at risk

  3. A fair analysis about our current lifestyle and identifying the caps

  4. Develop and follow a disciplined and healthy lifestyle with proper diet, exercise and nutrition.

These 4 simple steps recommended by Vijay Dalwani which can help us fight against the body disorders which have no or limited options of cure today.


“Many times developing a healthy lifestyle and following a proper diet regime is not enough to turn around the battle in our favor.  Take Osteoporosis for instance.  Even a health conscious person who consumes calcium rich food everyday cannot provide more than 250 to 300 mg of Calcium to the body” says Vijay Dalwani.


“To manage the required level a person has to consume 6 or more bananas, 3- 4 cups of milk, eat spinach, cabbage, cheese etc to get enough calcium on a daily basis which is practically impossible to follow on a daily basis” add Vijay Dalwani.


Having the same diet everyday becomes monotonous and boring.  It is difficult to maintain a calcium rich diet especially when you are traveling.  If you miss it even for a day, your body starts losing Calcium again.  Hence it is better to take calcium supplements daily along with a balanced diet and avoid consuming aerated drinks, alcohol and smoking.


In the stressful atmosphere of city life, people normally find it very difficult to maintain a balanced diet at regular intervals, adequate sleep and exercise.  They also frequently change their eating habits.  Due to the pressures of work or deadlines people also end up abusing their body with aerated drinks, smoking and alcohol.  


All this ensures depleted levels of nutrition for the body and enhanced risk of lifestyle based disorders like Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cardiac problems, Arthritis and Osteoporosis.

Replenishing the nutritional gap with regular supplements is the only viable solution in such cases.  It is the only weapon that can turn the battle against lifestyle disorders in your favor. 

In case of Osteoporosis, a calcium tablet is the easiest way to provide the desired level of supplements.  Currently many calcium supplements are available in the market either as 1000 mg or 500 mg tablets. People can take them once or twice a day and ensure that the bone calcium levels do not deplete. 


“I personally prefer calcium citrate supplements compared to calcium carbonate supplements.  Calcium Carbonate may sometimes lead to generation of kidney stones as it does not get absorbed or digested by kidneys as easily as Calcium Citrate.  Besides this, a regular dosage of multi-vitamins and nutrients is a must on a daily basis for us to maintain adequate levels of nutrition in the body” says Vijay Dalwani.


Though Dietary supplements are front runners in helping you win the war against lifestyle disorders on a daily basis, they too perform well in the long run only if there is a solid backup in the form of proper food habits and healthy lifestyle. 


Please remember, the battle against lifestyle disorders is a prolonged one and it is not only necessary to win each battle but also the war to ensure that the lifestyle disorders never bother you in your entire life. This is only possible by a fundamental self transformation which helps sustain a disciplined approach towards life and health.


Spread this awareness to people who matter for you, your family, friends and associates and help create a healthy India.


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