Sound Therapy- The Magic of Listening

 Can sounds affect the way we think ?


Can sounds change our moods ?


Can we feel better or worse with different sounds ?


The “Beep” (horns) of the cars in the traffic could make you yell and the hissing of the bees in a quiet room could make you shrill. Well sounds have a great impact on the way we live, our mind, body and our soul. Some sounds could make you feel at peace. When you go for dinner with your family in a sophisticated restaurant, you would notice the light and soft background music they play. This is because this pleases the ears and creates a mood for a pampering meal. But what if you go to a lounge for dinner with friends? They would have loud music with beats or trance with dance floors and shiny disco lights. This is because sounds create the ambiance and the atmosphere for the right mood.


When we hear the holy prayers, we feel relaxed with not only the words but also the sounds and the same goes with Christmas carols. We get relaxed and our mind gets refreshed. We feel close to God and our mind comes to peace. Not just imagine a car passing from there playing some loud music, at that hour even if it was your favorite track, it's more like a disturbance, it's troublesome. This is the wonder of magic. The new therapy that is getting recognition is sound therapy. This therapy concentrates on using the senses to the optimum level. The sense of hearing is soothed. 


The patient with a particular problem, whether physical or psychological, is completely heard and then dependent upon his medication and the experts’ advice. He is asked to live in a particular environment where either he is made close to nature's objects or sounds of the ragas or sounds of pleasing musical instruments like the sitar and the sarang. The guitar, the sarang, the flute, the violin and the sounds of nature's objects are sounds of healing. A different vibration is required for a different problem.


Sound therapy concentrates on controlling the problems of the person with the help of variations in the sounds. These kinds of therapies require expert judges who decide the right sounds for you.  The human body is composed of 70-80 % water in which all of our cells naturally vibrate at a certain frequency.  It is commonly known that water is an excellent conductor of vibration and sound waves. At some places tibetian bowl are also used. These are 7 bowls of 7 different metals and while playing these, a massage is done to relax the muscles and loosen your mind. Sound therapy is a great way to get rid of depression and anxiety. Besides, it also helps to cure aches and pains.

Sound Therapy is effective in not only achieving a state of relaxation but it also has a way of moving through blockages in the body. Sound Therapy has been known to help treat such conditions as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders, pain and autism.


Sound Therapy techniques vary but all involve the application of sound waves and harmonic vibrations to the body through the use of instruments, including the human voice. Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entertainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur).


“If relaxation is the goal, the most beneficial sounds include ones with depth and slow melodies, as well as songs with lower frequencies and slow transitions," says Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness.


“It is ultimately balance and restoration, though we have seen emotional release of all kinds, such as crying, euphoria, laughter, and even anger, This treatment brings emotions to the surface, so oftentimes feelings that you are harboring will arise shortly after a session—or it could take up to a day for you to feel this emotional impact." says Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness.


Meditate, Heal and Connect Through Listening, sound baths use instruments like bowls to initiate "a deeply immersive, full-body listening experience." There's music therapy, which uses therapist-guided sounds to enhance memory and alleviate stress. Binaural beats, yet another form, involves playing two separate tones in each ear, which are perceived as a single, almost euphoric tone by the brain. Other forms of sound therapy work much in the same way—sound eases, energizes, and empowers us.


Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness is an event planner and also an intellectual person, who gives information related to health and life.


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