Deciding what’s Good and what’s Bad

While some habits are known to you, some you don’t even realize. You may just realize one of them when someone catches you red handed or someone makes a wacky comment.

Habits are natural but deciding if they are good for you or not, depends upon your perception. While some habits are healthy , some could put you to task. Compulsive eating- When you are   stressed and you have a workload with pressure and targets, you may just land up with a burger. Do you remember the days when you were close to your board exams, you consumed food in extremes, either you hogged on burgers and pizzas or you didn't touch food at all. So now it’s a habit, whenever you have pressure, you want food.

Let’s look at another habit, “Your brains are in your head” everyone knows this but still when you are asked to think you scratch your head like as if you would think better and thoughts would flow. This is now a habit, when asked to think about the progress of your country five years down the line, your hand goes up on the head and you get your answers. Now that does not seem to be a good habit.

Yet another habit people hold is shaking their feet while they are deeply thinking, well mannerisms say that’s a BAD habit, it shows your nervousness and your anxiety. It proves one’s ability to handle his hurdles.

One of the most popular habits and widely seen amongst people is Biting of Finger Nails. We bite nails when we are thinking hard, we chew nails when things go on in our head and thoughts do not leave us. Now that’s again not a good habit, in fact according to psychology it’s an abnormal behavior.

Let's now look at some good habits-

– Waking up early in the morning

– Involving yourself in an activity/ exercise everyday

– Being disciplined but not a perfectionist

– Eating healthy food

– No smoking/drinking

Healthy habits improve your lifestyle and give you a better life filled with energy. One could takes easy steps to change habits

– Realize what your habits are

– Decide if they are good or bad

– Set a goal and understand what is the change you are looking at

– Then keep your near and dear ones to informed about your intention of change

– Tell your near and dear ones to stop you every time they realize you are doing it

– Make a conscious effort to keep a check on your own self

Practice this and you would soon realize your bad habits change into good ones.

Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness Says "It is normal and natural for men to feel like relaxing and letting go of the self-monitoring discipline of healthy habits, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet. But feeling good and energetic requires a daily investment in self-improvement, which begins with letting go of unhealthy habits and engaging in healthy ones."

One common reason people do not succeed in making lasting change is that they don't first create a solid foundation. "You need to make sure the habit change is important and you have confidence that you can achieve it," says Moore. This might sound simple, but often people take on changes that are important to others but not to themselves, or they feel deep down that the task is too daunting. "Before you can focus on changing a bad habit, you need to measure both motivation and confidence," says Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness.

How do you know when you are ready to try changing a habit? Using the "Readiness to Change" chart, rate your motivation on a 1-to-10 scale. Then do the same for your confidence level (how confident you are that you can make it happen). You want a score of at least 6 for each. "This is the foundation you need to be successful," says Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness.

If you don't have that score or higher, choose another habit to change—one you may feel more passionate about—or scale back the habit change to raise your confidence. For instance, if you lack confidence to quit smoking, begin with cutting back to five cigarettes a day. "Once you build more confidence from changing a lesser habit, you can revisit a more ambitious one," says Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness.


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