Can you buy sleep?

 None of the riches of the world could actually buy you the peace that lies within you. Many times because of stress or tensions of work or personal issues could lead to insomnia. Insomnia is a state of mind where you actually are tired and sleepy and very very drowsy but you actually do not get sleep. You may struggle all night to sleep but there is some hurdle that does not allow you to. This could agitate you and if this continues for a long run you may land up into depression.

When something is on your mind do not try diverting yourself from it. When issues linger around its best when you have spoken about it and shared your heart out. “DO NOT PROCRASTINATE” there is never a good time for it, the time is now. This ensures that you don’t have a heavy bag on your mind. If thoughts are still not sorted and solutions to problems are not still found then  one would always have those at the back of their mind, irrespective of them being in a party , in a social gathering or even dancing at the disco.

For the same, the first thing that one must do is to first face your ownself and speak with your mind to comprehend the problem or the reason for the current state of mind. The next step is to realize if you could alone find a solution to the problem yourself, Step three if not, then would you feel lighter speaking it with someone close, like a friend, a cologne or a neighbor. Step four, take out sometime to speak the entire lot at length. If you are not comfortable speaking with the people around then, then visit a counsellor, there is no harm, they are experts.

Do not run away from the problem and stay right till the end to resolve the entire issue and you would realize that once the problem is solved the mind would automatically get relaxed and you would feel like someone has taken a sack of potatoes off your shoulders. Many times there is a small pin stuck in our mind and that gives rise to many other issues, identifying it is the whole idea. At this time do not opt for sleeping pills on a regular basis, besides alcohol is yet another medium people jump for but remember it’s temporary. You have to get into the core and find out the roots to get rid of the plant growing inside you and if you get late, it may become a tree.

One you have got rid of your stress, you would automatically start getting sleep in the nights and not to forget sound sleep, you would eat well and not run away from situations, all-to-gether there would be a sense of achievement.

According to Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness Avoid prolonged use of light-emitting screens just before bedtime. Consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs. Doing calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, might promote better sleep.

Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness gives some evidence-based tips to sleep better at night.

Increase bright light exposure during the day. …

Reduce blue light exposure in the evening. …

Don’t consume caffeine late in the day. …

Reduce irregular or long daytime naps. …

Try to sleep and wake at consistent times. …

Take a melatonin supplement.

Following this may be helpful for your sleep.

Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness is an enthusiastic, energetic, creative, passionate, dedicated and talented person. Vijay Dalwani Sanda Wellness does various tasks at a time and makes sure that each and everything is in place.


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